Thursday, November 30, 2006


I feel confuse and lost,
some where in the middle of the journey.

Most of the things,
no matter big or small issues,
I realised it's difficult to handle.
I did try not to give up easily,
but still I became stubborn and weak.

Looking at my face,
everything seems fine like the sea without wind.
But deep inside my heart,
there's fire burning like the valcano.
Trying to learn how to give and take,
but it's still the hard way to execute.

Getting more and more hating myself,
always just following the ordinary thought and paths.
Never think of going beyond the ordinary,
which just following my heart.
I'm loosing my strength to lift up myself,
as my faith is getting weak and disappearing.

Wishing my mental power will be strong enough,
to force my inner strength to become brighter.
I need the determination and ethusiasm,
to explore and survive in the journey of life.
I hope there will be the answer......

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